Join PFPS for a Conversation with the Authors of “The Education Wars: A Citizen’s Guide and Defense Manual”

Public Funds Public Schools is excited to welcome back authors Jennifer Berkshire and Jack Schneider to the PFPS webinar series on Wednesday, September 18, at 3 p.m. ET. Ms. Berkshire and Dr. Schneider will discuss their new book, The Education Wars: A Citizen’s Guide and Defense Manual, with Jasmine Bolton, Policy Director at the Partnership for the Future of Learning.

Jennifer Berkshire is a journalist who has written extensively for national outlets about the politics of education. She teaches in the Boston College Prison Education Program and was the former editor of the statewide newspaper of AFT Massachusetts. Jack Schneider is an education historian and professor at University of Massachusetts Amherst. He is the co-founder of the Massachusetts Consortium for Innovative Education Assessment and has written six books.

For several years, Ms. Berkshire and Dr. Schneider have co-hosted the Have You Heard podcast, tackling hot button issues in education policy and politics. Their new book outlines the core issues and actors driving education battles over private school vouchers, “parental rights,” race and gender in schools, and book banning. They also explain what’s at stake for parents, teachers, and students and provide a road map for ensuring that public education survives the current assault.

Jasmine Bolton also is no stranger to hot-button issues in education law and policy. Prior to joining the Partnership for the Future of Learning, she was Senior Counsel in the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights during the Biden-Harris administration, an education-focused policy analyst for Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign, and an attorney at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Register here for The Education Wars: A Citizen’s Guide and Defense Manual on September 18 at 3 p.m. ET.


Listen to Ms. Berkshire and Dr. Schneider discuss their previous book, A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door: The Dismantling of Public Education and the Future of School, on an earlier PFPS webinar. Visit the Advocacy page on the PFPS website for recordings of all previous PFPS webinars.

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