Join PFPS for a Conversation with Education Advocates from MS, NJ, ID, TX and TN to Discuss Anti-Voucher Victories in 2024

Although private school voucher programs continue to spread across the country, many states have remained voucher-free or held off significant expansions. Thank you for joining the Public Funds Public Schools webinar to learn about and celebrate these victories!

Panelists included:

  • Nancy Loome, Executive Director, The Parents’ Campaign (MS)
  • Sharon Krengel, Director of Policy, Strategic Partnerships and Communications, Education Law Center (NJ)
  • Rod Gramer, President and CEO, Idaho Business for Education (ID)
  • Paige Duggins-Clay, Chief Legal Analyst, IDRA (TX)
  • Katja Krieger, Public Education Research Fellow, Statewide Organizing for Community Empowerment (TN)

These experienced advocates discussed the work of their organizations and numerous allies to oppose voucher legislation. They offered insight, strategies, and tips for others working against school privatization in their states, with plenty of time for Q&A.

To watch a recording of Anti-Voucher Victories in 2024: A Conversation with Education Advocates from MS, NJ, ID, TX and TN, please click here.

Visit the Advocacy page of the PFPS website to access recordings of all previous PFPS webinars.

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