Introducing the PFPS Fact Sheet Series: First Downloadable Two-Pager Summarizes Research on Negative Impacts of Private School Vouchers
April 13, 2020
Public Funds Public Schools (PFPS) continues to provide useful tools for advocates, parents, students, educators, and policymakers to support public schools across the country. The most recent addition is a two-page fact sheet on the many studies demonstrating the negative impact of private school vouchers on students and public schools. Summaries of and links to the studies are currently posted on the PFPS website. But the new fact sheet is a downloadable advocacy tool designed to easily share this body of research.
Additional tools for public education supporters already available on the PFPS website include the interactive legislative tracker that makes it possible to search for private school voucher bills in a specific state, across the country or in Congress.
The new research fact sheet notes that independent studies across the country show that private school vouchers:
- Divert much-needed funding and resources from chronically underfunded public schools;
- Do not improve student outcomes, college enrollment rates, or parental satisfaction with schools;
- Reduce protections against discrimination based on religion, LGBTQ status, disability, and other characteristics;
- May exacerbate racial segregation in schools.
This extensive research demonstrates that public funds must remain in public schools, which educate the vast majority of students, are required to follow anti-discrimination laws, and produce the best academic outcomes. Now more than ever, our scarce resources must be used responsibly. PFPS joins parents, students, educators, and advocates working to ensure all students can attend thriving public schools.
The PFPS research fact sheet is the first in a series of downloadable advocacy tools that will be available on the campaign’s website. Be sure to check back often.
PFPS is a nationwide campaign to ensure that public funds for education are exclusively used to maintain, support, and strengthen public schools. PFPS opposes all forms of private school vouchers and other diversions of public funds from public education.